I love when people send us photos of their fishing tattoos.
The guys at Fishing Fury seem to appreciate this sailor-like tattoo of a
Another great example of a beautiful, original fishing tattoo!
Got a great fishing tattoo?
User name: Uliwon, posted the tattoo and a several beautiful chrome
Our favorite musky fisherman, MuskyBill just sent in a photo of a tattoo he
Best Hunting or Fishing Tattoo Contest

fly fishing tattoo (104) danielherlihy.blogspot.com (view original image)
Another great example of a beautiful, original fishing tattoo!
I have seen a few older posts talking about getting a fishing tattoo,
Back in March Ron sent us a photo of his still in progress bass tattoo.
Celebrity Tattoos put a great collection of wacky, weird and bad body art
damages worth £9000 to pay for laser surgery to remove the tattoos.
Fishing Fury tattoo! For those of you who don't know what Fishing Fury is
Click Here to Enter Our 2010 Hunting and Fishing Tattoo Contest!
From: Thomas Weiergang · thomas.weiergang·at·gmail.com
Almost all of the fishing tattoos we've seen belong to fly fishermen.
Daniel Herlihy Fly Fishing & Tat Work Blogspot
If your bellybutton is an integral component of a tattoo. Crappie fishing is